Reiki is a natural energy healing method that is based on the fundamentals of Universal Life Force Energy. This life energy force uses Chi, known as the force of the universe, as its application to create a strengthening.
The practice of reiki is based on the idea that the energy of the practitioner is allowed to flow through another person by applying the hands on the body of the person. Further, it is believed that the energy knows where to go and what to heal and that the energy is coming from the person performing the act of reiki. Likewise, the effectiveness of reiki depends on the willingness of the recipient to change previous forms of practice which contradicts the healing process and their readiness to accept and to put into action the established changes allowing healing to take place.
Healing in the Reiki practice is defined on somewhat different terms than what healing means to most of us. The Reiki healing is looked upon as a wholeness of ourselves. The wholeness of ourselves simply means to the best of our capabilities. Limitations in our capabilities are caused by negative feedback and our settling into specific types of behaviors based on receiving this negative feedback. These limitations may include behavioral patterns, eating patterns, psychological or emotional strongholds that have caused us to live, love, or express ourselves in a certain way that is out of the ordinary from our natural selves.
In other words, healing takes place by first understanding the problem including the limitations therein, work on the limitations and definitely, one will reach his optimum capacity. It must release its hold on us in order to let the energy healing to take place. The person who suffers from this hold on themselves must understand that they are capable of letting go and exceeding further
This Japanese method of healing has become increasingly popular and more readily accepted. It works as a stress reliever which also provided relaxation and many other health benefits. Moreover, it helps in the detoxification process, also effective in the healing of nutrition depletion, and mental stability. It also promotes sleepiness, helps with asthma, skin conditions, and migraine headaches, can decrease blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, and retards aging.
A Reiki practitioner is trained to know exactly where to place their hands for each condition that requires healing. This life energy force does the rest of the necessary healing with the practitioner waiting for any possible signs of any other hand placement instructions.
As with any form of treatment, alternative or otherwise, it is always advisable to consult with your physician prior to attempting any form of treatment for safety reasons.
International Center for Reiki Training
BusinessBalls: Reiki and the Seven Chakras
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Reiki Information