
Aromatherapy is an Alternative medicine which uses the liquid plant materials also known as essential oils. Essential oils are the heart and soul of a plant – a concentration of its spirit. Advocates of AromatherapyEssential oils are the heart and soul of a plant – a concentration of its spirit. Advocates of Aromatherapy believe that these compounds have a strong influence on the individual’s mood or health when directly applied on the skin, by inhaling it, or by drinking it. Currently, aromatherapy is still frail as to scientific evidence however it is promising to a limited number of uses.Aromatherapy as stated uses essential oil or it may be in combination with other medicine or other practice. Essential oils, used in aromatherapy, are different from other herbal products because during the process of extracting the oil only light phytomolecules are recovered. These oils are rich in monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes which represent a large class of natural products with a wide range of biological activities.Nice thing to note that research to prove or disprove the use of essentials oils have been sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. But because essential oils are not regulated and sold at the health food store, these companies don’t have any incentive to hand out millions of dollars to prove that chemicals available outside of their control are helpful in the adjunctive treatment of any conditions. However, because of the rising knowledge on essential oils today, many products are being sold over the counter which says that they include essential oils but may, in fact, only include a small amount of the naturally occurring substances. The remainder of the product may be made up of synthetic products that may smell the same but don’t have the same health benefits. Moreover, the increase in awareness and popularity of aromatherapy may be due in part to the increased health consciousness of individuals, the availability of information over the Internet and the increase in stress under which we all live.

Further, aromatherapy though does not cure a major illness or condition by itself but rather it is often used as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of medical and psychiatric conditions. Aromatherapy can help with the symptoms of certain disease and affect the mood of the person using it. For instance, it will not cure cancer but can improve the quality of life of the person taking chemotherapy by improving mood or easing nausea. Moreover, it was never intended to replace standard medical care. Aromatherapy can offer an alternative to an over the counter medication, such as eucalyptus to clear nasal passages, and replace chemical drugs. There are also practical benefits to common symptoms such as wounds, PMS, menstruation, indigestion, insomnia, fatigue and anxiety.

Historically, aromatherapy has been practiced since the dawn of time. Ancient writings tell us that the Greeks, Romans and ancient Egyptians all used aroma oils. In 1930 it was discovered that lavender would help a burn to heal without scarring. During WWII, oils were used as antiseptics to treat the wounded.

Indeed, aromatherapy is now one of the fastest growing fields in alternative medicine. Individuals use it in homes, hospitals and clinics. In Japan, engineers are incorporating aroma systems into new building. Aromatherapy is particularly effective in the treatment of stress, anxiety and psychosomatic disorders. In one study out of Great Britain and reported in the British Medical Journal Lancet, researchers found that elderly patients reported better sleep when lavender aroma was wafted into their rooms at night.

Consequently, anyone who is having the intent of including the use of essential oils into their daily health practices; it is a good thing to note that these products are not regulated in the U.S. Any product, which uses essential oils, can be marketed as a product for aromatherapy. The best advice is to seek the advice of a health food specialist or herbalist you trust to ascertain the brand that is the most pure and best for health practices.

Individuals who use essential oils should also take precautions against using directly on the skin and not consumed internally without personal counsel from a trained aromatherapist. Essential oils that should be used on the skin must be applied in diluted form, cut with another oil, because they are extremely irritating to the skin.


Medical News Today: What is Aromatherapy

National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy: What is Aromatherapy

Mother Nature Network: What is Aromatherapy

Holistic Online: What is Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy: What is Aromatherapy

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