What is it like to have adult ADHD


Do you know someone who has been diagnosed with adult ADHD?  Or, \"Abacus\"do you wonder if perhaps you or a loved one may be showing symptoms of this disorder?  You are not alone – there are increasing numbers of adults who are being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder every single day.  If any of the above describes your situation, you may have asked at one time or another – “What is it like to have adult ADHD?”

If it is not diagnosed and treated, adult ADHD can play havoc with your life, affecting everything from your work and career, relationships, financial responsibilities and social life.

Contrary to the myth that adult ADHD is not really anything serious and that if the person really wanted to, they could overcome the condition on their own, ADHD is a very disruptive condition that affects the whole life of the person who suffers and their families.

Since some of the main problems associated with ADHD are disorganization and inattention, the person’s work life and career will suffer.  Some of the problems they may run into which will affect their job performance include:
·    Repeatedly being late for work
·    Not making deadlines
·    Missing meetings
·    Not being able to organize tasks
·    Spending a lot of time at work, but not getting much completed
·    Easily getting distracted by other things happening around them
·    Difficulty paying attention when important information is being discussed

Obviously, relationships will suffer as well due to the symptoms of this condition. Since life can be seemingly chaotic when around someone with ADHD, it can put strains on relationships. There may be resentment when one partner feels they are always doing the organizing, cleaning, planning and other responsibilities, while in turn the person suffering with ADHD may end up feeling that the other person is constantly nagging them to take care of things.

Good money management skills are difficult for people with ADHD.  The symptoms of disorganization, procrastination and impulsiveness all lead to poor financial decisions.  Some of the problems they may run into include:
·    Not paying bills because they have forgotten
·    Large credit card balances
·    Impulsive spending
·    Inability to focus on record keeping

All areas of the person’s life will suffer, including their every day interactions with other people, and their ability to function socially will often be difficult.  Friends and associates will find it difficult to understand the disorganization and may not be able to deal with it on a regular basis.  Some people will get annoyed with the person, and may even go so far as to not believe that what they are dealing with is real.  Sadly, there are many people who think that those who suffer with adult ADHD are only trying to find excuses for their problems, which makes it even harder for the person to cope.

If you ever find yourself, or come in contact with someone who feels that it is not really a serious problem, make sure you ask whether or not they have ever actually sat down and asked themselves that all important question – “What is it like to have adult ADHD?”  Until they have walked in their shoes, they could never really understand.


MayoClinic: Adult ADHD

HelpGuide: Adult ADD/ADHD

NPR: A Focus on Adults: Living with Chronic ADHD

Fetal Alcohol Disorders and Society: What is it Like to Have ADD?

Clinical Psychology Associates: Understanding and Coping with Adult ADHD

Attention Deficit Disorder Association: ADHD and Marriage: Six Steps to Nurturing a True Partnership

American Psychological Association: Undiagnosed ADHD Affects Millions of Adults – and Their Romantic Relationships

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