Urinary Incontinence


In an effort to optimize treatment for individuals who suffer from urinary incontinence, the pharmaceutical industry has developed and manufactured a medication for overactive bladder symptoms called Vesicare. Medication options have included alpha blockers and anti-spasmodic to help control the over active bladder spasms that occur in some individuals. Overactive bladder does not always lead

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A cystocele is the medical term for a prolapsed bladder and can occur from excessive straining, such as during heavy lifting, chronic constipation or during childbirth. This condition is common in older women who have given birth to several children and are at a higher risk for developing a cystocele than others. A cystocele develops

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Stress Incontinence

The definition of urinary incontinence is the unintentional loss of urine related to another physical stress or underlying medical condition. For example, individuals who have benign prostatic hypertrophy can suffer from urinary incontinence which is related to the weakening of the bladder muscle and the constriction of the urethra. Stress incontinence is another cause of

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