

Vitiligo is a chronic medical condition that results in dispigmentation of skin in patches due to the destruction or inability of melanocytes, the cells that cause skin pigmentation. Some people have a few spots that may lighten or become fully white. Vitiligo attacks 0.5-2% of the world population, generally at the age of 20 years.

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Diabetes and impotence

There is a relationship between diabetes and erectile dysfunction. Male impotence occurs more commonly in men who have diabetes then other men but it is probably still a minority of men with diabetes who experience it. This is because the number of individuals who suffer from diabetes continues to rise each and every year while

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Genital Warts

Condylomata acuminata, more commonly known as genital warts, are regarded as a sexually transmitted disease. They appear in the genital area in the moist tissue region. Their appearance is cauliflower-like or they show up as tiny bumps that are flesh colored. They may also grow together to form a group. These growths can appear anywhere

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