common symptoms


Vitiligo is a chronic medical condition that results in dispigmentation of skin in patches due to the destruction or inability of melanocytes, the cells that cause skin pigmentation. Some people have a few spots that may lighten or become fully white. Vitiligo attacks 0.5-2% of the world population, generally at the age of 20 years.

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, is an anxiety disorder that is associated with serious traumatic events. Sometimes it is characterized by survivor guilt and often follows a terrifying physical or emotional event. The event may cause the individual persistent and frightening thoughts and memories, or even flashbacks. People who suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder often

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Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects the regulation of glucose in the blood stream and the use of glucose in the cells for energy. Without glucose the metabolic process of providing energy changes and the body begins to burn fat and protein for which insulin, the primary hormone regulating glucose metabolism, is not required.

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