Do you have only a limited amount of money to spend? You can purchase a portable stepper for a reasonable price. You can also purchase one with rails, but it will cost you quite a bit more even the least expensive. There is quite a difference in price between the portable stair stepper and the stair stepper with rails. If you have difficulty balancing yourself though the portable stair stepper could be unsafe for you.
How much space do you have? If you are living in an apartment or do not want to use a large area in your home then a portable stair stepper might be the way to go. If your exercise room is already filled with equipment a portable stair stepper can be put away in a closet. If you do not mind using up the space though a standard stair stepper would be better in terms of quality.
Quality is important. You want a sturdy machine made out of dependable parts. Is it electronic or manual? Does anything move around when you step on it? You have to be able to be comfortable and feel safe on your stair stepper. An off brand might be fine, but a name brand often has a better guarantee and can be repaired more easily.
Features can vary and most stair steppers have a console that states the number of steps taken, the amount of calories that are burned, how many minutes you are on the stair stepper, and the amount of distance that you have covered. Some stair steppers offer a feature to measure your heart rate as well.
Stair steppers are great for burning calories and toning areas of your body such as your quadriceps, your calves, your buttocks, and your hamstrings. They can be monotonous but they provide a structured workout. And, when placed in front of the television or computer, you can catch up your favorite television show or see that teaching DVD you\’ve been wanting to watch.
Buying a stair stepper requires some investigation to get just what you are looking for. Whatever you do, try it out first and make sure that you are comfortable with it