Special K Diet

\"SpecialMost fad diets involve eating one or two specific types of food consistently or in eliminating all of another type food. In the case of the Special K diet, created by the Kellogg\’s breakfast cereal company, individuals are encouraged to eat a bowl of Special K cereal for breakfast and another for lunch or dinner for two week period of time.

The Kellogg\’s breakfast cereal company relies on the results of a study that supports their diet, showing three out of four dieters who achieved a slimmer waistline and hips and lost over 6 pounds in a two week period. On average each of the participants consumed approximately 1590 calories per day which was a reduction of their normal intake by 27% in a reduction of fat intake by 50%.

The basics of the diet include two servings of Special K cereal with one half cup low-fat milk for breakfast and either lunch or dinner. This food should be coupled with a low-fat and nutritionally balanced third meal and snacks that include fruits, vegetables or low-fat yogurt. Although this particular diet does not count calories it appears that individuals usually get an actual calorie intake that is in line with requirements for weight loss for most individuals.

The magic behind the Special K diet is that there is no magic. The company has literally outlined a diet plan which is low in fat and calories, requires the individual to be one food (theirs) for two out of three meals and adequately meets the description of a fad diet. According to the study which the cereal company relies upon in their advertising, prior to starting the Special K diet the women were eating approximately 2200 calories per day. The Special K diet drops the amount of calories per day that these women were eating by approximately 650.

While this particular cereal is higher in nutrition than what most people eat, the truth of the matter is that it still contains high fructose corn syrup, has less potassium and fiber than others cereals and is a bit tiresome after two weeks. Most people who attempt this strict diet will probably lose between 4 1/2 and 6 pounds in the first two weeks but they will also feel very hungry and may get incredibly bored with the food they are eating.

The point of these first two weeks is to kick start a weight loss program designed to have a healthier nutritional intake than an individual\’s usual meal. Research has shown that people who make time for breakfast every morning will ultimately consume less fat and cholesterol. The ultimate goal is to also get an individual used to eating breakfast every morning, even when it is Special K cereal.

The Kellogg\’s website offers customized weekly menu based on preferences that you input. You respond to some of their questions about likes and dislikes and they create a complimentary meal plan based on their product line. This is an ingenious advertising method of tapping into the weight loss industry, creating a need for a particular product and encouraging individuals to continue to purchase that product after the weight loss kick start has been finished.

Unfortunately, the Special K diet is nothing more than a reduced calorie diet that helps individuals to begin a weight loss program. It requires no calorie counting, it is simple and easy to follow and one study found it to be effective for up to 75% of the people. However, there is a very small variation in the types of foods that individuals are allowed to eat which can lead to boredom and compromised nutritional intake. And, although this particular cereal is fortified with a range of vitamins and minerals, it is not a good source of fiber and questionable as to how this fortification can make up for eating whole foods.

One of the biggest negatives to using the Special K diet is that once finished the individual often reverts back to their old eating habits in the way that they struggled so hard to take off in the past two weeks is now regained rather quickly. The Special K diet is much like other fad diets that promises quick weight loss but is unable to deliver on long-term results.