15 Ways to Conserve Water at Home

\"FaucetDripping\"Any kind of waste is terrible, but what people do not realize is that gallons upon gallons of water are wasted each year unnecessarily. Here are some helpful ways to reduce the water usage in your home.

• Only wash full loads of laundry. Do not wash only one or two clothing articles at a time.

• Reduce your family’s showering time. Make sure that everyone is aware of his or her time limit and stick to it.

• Do not water your grass needlessly. Listen to weather reports and if rain is on the way, even the following day, hold off.

• When you do need to water your grass, water only your grass. Be sure that the sprinkler is only watering your lawn and not your neighbors. In addition, be sure that you are not watering your sidewalk or driveway.

• Check for leaky pipes in and around your house. Check your faucets while you are at it. That little drip on the kitchen faucet is your money and our water going down the drain.

• When it is time to purchase a new washer be sure and shop around for the most water and energy efficient model.

• Always defrost any frozen food in the refrigerator. You do not need to use running water to do this.

• When you are washing any pots or pans, let them soak. It takes too much running water to sit there and let it flow while you are scrubbing away. Fill the pot or pan with water. Check it out a couple of hours later and the residue will easily lift away.

• When you or your family members brush their teeth get the brush wet and then turn off the faucet. It is not necessary to keep it running while you are brushing. This simple little technique saves you approximately 25 gallons in only a month.

• Does your toilet continue to run? It is probably a simple part like the flapper. Adjust the piece that operates this. Anyone can do it.

• Wash your dog outside on a dry area of the lawn. Not only is this easier and less messy, your lawn will be watered at the same time.

• When you hand wash your dishes put the stopper in the drain and fill the sink then turn the water off. When all the dishes have been scrubbed then rinse them off.

• Water your grass at the coolest temperature of the day. This is best done in the morning or evening hours. This will help to prevent the evaporation of the water due to the warmer temperatures during the day.

• Soak your fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running them under the faucet to rinse them off.

• When you are done soaking your fruits and vegetables do not waste the water down the drain, but instead water your indoor plants with it.