Varicose veins develop in men and women when the one-way valves that control the return of blood from the lower extremities to the heart are damaged. These valves prevent the blood from pooling in the veins and the subsequent swelling that results. Unfortunately, some men and women are prone to varicose veins and spider veins because of a genetic predisposition. Women can also develop varicose veins in the vaginal area, especially during pregnancy.
These vaginal varicose veins can occur both within the vaginal vault and outside where they can be seen more clearly. Some women complain of pain and discomfort while others noticed the bump but have no change in sensation. Just as with other varicose veins, women who spend the majority of their day on their feet, will experience greater heaviness and pain at the end of the day. Also, it is not uncommon for women to find that sex is now uncomfortable or painful. (1)
Women can improve their pain and discomfort by spending some time lying down with their feet elevated for 30 minutes both in the morning, afternoon and evening. Women also find that adding pressure against the varicose veins can help them from increasing in size as the day goes on. A product that is sold specifically to provide support in this area is the Fembrace. Originally designed to assist women who suffer from genital prolaspe, it also helps those who have vaginal varicosities. Another option is to use a pair of bike shorts and put a thick pad inside the shorts in order to add pressure against the varicosities.
Most obstetricians and gynecologists will tell their female patients that these varicose veins are not uncommon during pregnancy. And, fortunately, they also usually resolves after the child is born. If you know you have a varicose vein, or suspect you have one in your vagina, it is important to tell your obstetrician in order to receive any further advice that may affect other underlying medical conditions and for specific support during birth.
Some women find that icing the vaginal varicose veins will help to reduce the swelling and decrease the pain. You cannot use any topical ointments are medications on these veins without first consulting with your primary care physician or obstetrician in order to ensure that it is safe for use during pregnancy.
One of the home remedies that has some reported success is the use of corn starch paste applied to the varicose veins which helps to shrink them and improve the ability of the woman to be functional throughout the day. NEVER put any hemorrhoid cream on these varicose veins. And always speak with your obstetrician about any products you use, even corn starch.
(1) Phlebolymphology: Treatment of Vulvar and Perineal Varicose Veins