Juice extractor

A juice extractor is a machine that does just that, extracts juice from fruits such as oranges, limes, grapefruits, lemons and more. The center of a juice extractor is in the shape of a cone with a ridge-like appearance.

To use a juice extractor one would simply cut the fruit in half, place the cut side down, and turn a handle to press down on the fruit and thereby extracting its juices. The fruit itself would be disposed of afterwards with seeds and pulp intact leaving just the juice of the fruit itself. The juice extractor also works well with vegetables to obtain vegetable juices. The pulp is used by some for compost or to add to other things such as breads and cakes.

The majority of the juice extractors are electric, but a manual juice extractor is also available. However, the electric juice extractors are easier and require less effort from its user. The three types of juice extractors are a centrifugal juicer, a masticating juicer and a triturating juicer. The centrifugal juicer involves the use of a blade and a sieve and separates the juice and the pulp.

The masticating juicer mashes up the fruit to a pulp consistency and then extracts the juice from it. The triturating juicer has a double gear mechanism that will crush up the fruit and then press it out extracting the juice. The most costly of the three types of juice extractors is the triturating juicer with twin gears. However, they offer the most benefits in terms of juice extracting capabilities.

Freshly squeezed juice has become popular as the health benefits of drinking fresh raw juice are written about in the media. Everyone wants to be healthier and people are indulging in freshly squeezed fruit juices throughout the day instead of just at breakfast time. Juice from a juice extractor is definitely more healthful and tastes better as well.

Juice is so healthy for the body as it helps to dissolve stones that might be in our kidneys or livers, helps to dissolve any build-ups, and flushes out the cells.

Juicing is also healthy because any chemicals that do become a part of the fruit during storage or growing are trapped in the pulp when it is squeezed. Vegetable juices healthy properties are potent for about ten hours and fruit juices for about four hours. It is best to sip the juice slowly and hold it in your mouth for a several seconds to gain its full health effects.

Read up on the latest reviews for the various types of juice extractors before you purchase one to obtain the one with the features that you desire, as each one does something a little bit different. A juice extractor is definitely a useful tool in the kitchen for a juice lover who enjoys staying healthy and indulging in the freshness of a great glass of juice.