Personal style on a budget

Your personal style is a combination of how you feel about yourself, your body type, your hair style and your personality. Carrying a monogrammed designer purse will give you a small piece of instant style but this is not a true reflection of your internal self. True icons of style, such as Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly, were admired for their own sense of style and not for wearing a particular designer label. Your style is about selecting clothing, hair style and perfume that combines together in a manner that communicates to the world who you are and what you are about.

This is the good news! This means that you can put together a personal style on a budget without wearing designer labels or maxing out your credit cards. When you are knowledgable about your body type and your comfort level in your budget, you will look stylish no matter what the latest trends are. Clothing can look flattering when selected properly.

Your first step to building a personal style on a budget is to do it from the ground up. Every classic wardrobe has a few staples or basics that are required each and every season. From there you can build with classic pieces, accessories and additional color which will not make you look outdated. For instance, a great fitting pair of jeans, a pair of black pants, a pair of tan pants, a classic white shirt and a basic black dress are all staples that belong in everyone\’s closet.

Before going shopping take a good look at what you have purchased in the past, what you have been happy with and what has ended up at the back of the closet. This gives you an invaluable amount of information about your past purchases and buying habits which may make a difference in the way in which you shop from now on. For instance, if most of what you purchase is on impulse, but is never worn once it is brought home, it would be prudent to bring along a levelheaded friend who can assess how you look in the clothes you try on.

Toward the end of each season stores will heavily discount their stock in order to make way for next seasons clothing. This is when you can find your best buys and your best bargains. Do not spend this time buying clothes that were trendsetters this season because the very real possibility exists that you will look totally outdated in its next season. However, a basic bathing suit, cashmere sweater or classic pair of pants will still be in fashion next year.

Consider all of your shopping choices when you are looking for that select key piece of your wardrobe that matches the colors of the season or that trendy jacket you cannot live without. Consider shopping at factory outlet malls, secondhand stores, eBay or on Internet shopping stores. Especially when looking for a piece in the beginning of the season these are the places you will find your best prices.

Always trust your gut feeling about the clothing you\’re looking at. Do not be swayed by a bargain price. Instead, ask yourself if you would purchase this piece if it were at full price or would you buy it if there was now a designer name attached to it? Don\’t ever allow yourself to be talked into a purchase. It takes more time and energy to return a piece of clothing then the money you\’ll save by purchasing it immediately.

You can also fund your new purchases by changing out your own older items on eBay or at consignment stores. You may not get a lot of money but you will certainly get more then if the clothes sat at the back of the closet and were never worn again.

And do not overlook the option of having a seamstress put together one or two pieces for the season. This is often much more cost-effective than purchasing designer material and allows you to have one or two great pieces in your wardrobe.

Before shopping make sure you put together a list of items you want to include in your wardrobe this season. Some things may look outdated and others may look worn. When working on a specific budget it is important to target the areas which require the most work. That maybe your hairstyle, your skin care, your shoes or your clothing.

Shoes are more difficult to purchase online than they are off-line. It is important to continue to watch for sales or to shop at outlet stores for a good pair of shoes. However, a classic pair of shoes will last you several seasons and will be well worth the money.

Seeing an expensive hairstylist may not be in the budget this month. Do not overlook the possibility of being evaluated and having your hair cut at a beauty salon school. Students are supervised by experienced stylists and offer services at reduced rates.

It is more than possible to put together a wonderful wardrobe and tremendous hairstyle on a budget. Designing your personal style does not have to break your bank and by incorporating some great pieces in your wardrobe you will communicate power, confidence and effectiveness in the rest of your life.