Taking your baby’s temperature


When a baby is sick, it is very important that you are able to get an accurate temperature reading. It you still have an old fashioned glass thermometer, the first thing you should do is to get rid of it. These glass thermometers contain small amounts of mercury that will harm your baby if they break. You can call your local health department to get assistance with the disposal of this glass thermometer.

A digital thermometer is the fastest and safest way to get an accurate temperature on your baby. There are three methods of taking a temperature. The methods are oral, rectal or under the arm. When you are taking a baby’s temperature, the only two methods you will be able to use are rectal and under the arm since a baby is unable to hold a thermometer under the tongue properly to get an accurate reading.

It is a good idea to have a separate thermometer for each method of taking the baby’s temperature. The rectal method will give you the most accurate reading. The best type of thermometer for rectal use is one that has a flexible tip and a wide handle that does not let you insert it more than an inch. Inserting the rectal thermometer too far could perforate the baby’s rectum.

Before you take a rectal temperature, you should wash the tip with a little warm water and soap or with rubbing alcohol. Rinse with cool water and apply a little petroleum jelly to the tip for easier insertion. If the thermometer came with disposable sleeves that fit over the tip, you can use those. This will help to keep the thermometer clean.

You can either place your baby across your lap on his tummy or lay him on his back on a bed or changing table. Some babies are more comfortable lying on their backs because they are able to see your face.

Now press the thermometer button to turn it on. Gently insert the tip of the thermometer into the baby’s rectum about one half inch to an inch. Inserting it until the tip disappears is usually far enough.

Make sure that you do not let go of the thermometer because it can become dislodged if the baby starts wiggling. The thermometer should beep in just a few seconds to give you a temperature reading. When it beeps, remove the thermometer and take note of the reading. Be aware that a lot of times a rectal temperature will stimulate a baby’s bowels, so he may have a bowel movement when you remove the thermometer.

Always clean the thermometer with warm soapy water or rubbing alcohol before storing. The rectal route is the most accurate means of getting a baby’s temperature, but check with your own pediatrician for their recommendations.

Another method of taking a baby’s temperature is under the arm. Simply undress your baby and place the thermometer into the armpit. Hold the baby’s arm down at his side or bend the arm across his chest. Be aware that a temperature reading under the arm can be as much as two degrees cooler than the baby’s actual temperature.

Taking a baby’s temperature has become a lot easier since the invention of digital thermometers. If your child is sick, it is critical that you take his temperature. A high fever must be treated or it can lead to serious problems for your baby.


BabyCenter: How to Take Your Baby\’s Temperature

MayoClinic: Thermometer Basics

KidsHealth: Fever and Taking Your Child\’s Temperature

SutterHealth: your Baby\’s Health

Baby Center: How do I take Your Baby\’s Temperature

Birth.com: What is a Normal Temperature