Infant care for new moms


\"BreastBecoming a new mom can be an overwhelming feeling, and there are many people out there who are ready to offer advice. Some of the advice may be appreciated and supportive, while other advice may not be exactly what the new mom needs. One area that always seems to be full of well meaning advice is infant care for new moms. There are some good tips that are useful to help all moms get through those first few days with baby, including:

Let other people help you. Although every woman comes home with their new baby wanting to prove to the world that they are up to the job and do not need any help, taking help from friends and family is a must.

It is important to remember that your body has undergone an unbelievable process over the past few months, and during the birth of the baby, so you are going to be tired. Your body needs rest to get back to the way it was, and you need to get as much rest as you can to be able to do your new job as a mom. Never be afraid to take help if it is offered, and ask for it from those around you. They all want to help and can give you the much needed and deserved rest that you are going to be looking for.

Do not worry about spoiling the baby. You cannot spoil a new baby, no matter what well meaning people may say otherwise. Never leave a baby to cry during those first few weeks at home.

Go ahead and pick the baby when they cry – you will be amazed at how quickly you will begin to be able to understand the meaning of each of your baby’s cries. Letting them know that you are there for them and offering them comfort is an important part of bonding and building a relationship. However, if you are in the middle of a load of wash or doing another chore, letting them cry for a few minutes will not do any harm.

Establish a routine. A consistent routine is almost impossible for the first couple of weeks, however you will be surprised at how quickly a routine will seem to develop as you go through the first few months.

Don’t try to follow strict guidelines that you see in books or that your friends or family suggest worked for them – try finding a good routine that works for your family and your baby.

The first few weeks are going to be a learning experience for everyone, and allowing yourself to learn together is as important as reading any new baby guide. The most important thing to remember about infant care for new moms is to take care of themselves, and be prepared to ask for help if needed.

No mom starts out knowing everything there is to know about caring for a baby, but somehow they all seem to know what the best thing is for their baby when the time comes.


BabyZone: Quick Tips for New Moms

MedlinePlus: Infant and newborn Care

WomensHealth: Pregancy: Newborn Care

What to Expect: Baby Care 101 for First Time Parents

KidsHealth: A Guide for First Time Parents