Kinesiology and ADHD


ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a\"Paperpeople\" combination of neural disorganizations that several different professional organizations believe are responsible for the symptoms and learning disabilities that are associated with the condition.  The theory is that in order to perform higher learning and organizational thought the brain must begin by being organized and without injury.

Those who ascribe to the belief that kinesiology can assist in the treatment of those with ADHD or learning disabilities also believe that many of us suffer from cranial injuries that go undiagnosed. Much of today’s modern medicine spend time treating the symptom without delving deeper for the cause of the condition.

One treatment for the cause of the problem address neural organization technique (N.O.T.) which uses muscle response testing to find sequences that are very primitive.  By identifying and correcting these sequences the therapist is potentially able to decrease or eliminate the symptoms of learning disability and ADHD.

Kinesiology used with people who suffer from ADHD are options that appear to work along the same premise.  Briefly, kinesiology is the scientific study is the study of human movement.  But it is so much more.  It also affects the body’s structural, chemical and emotional energy to assist in healing and responds to an intricate network of interconnective nerves.

Practitioners use kinesiology to help upgrade the performance of individuals in all aspects of their life including learning, sports, decrease stress and help to overcome fears and phobias.

The theory is that by correcting these imbalances the individual’s body is able to start to heal itself.    Practitioners also help the person to identify external factors which affect the client’s well-being and long-term health.

The treatment sessions are painless and are performed by a chiropractor, naturopath or holistic medicine physician.

These treatment protocols are more popular in Australia and Europe than the U.S. but are gradually taking hold across America.  The current research isn’t conclusive about the effectiveness of these protocols but at this time they don’t appear to do any medical harm to the individual.

Treatments can be expensive and they aren’t generally covered by insurance companies.  If you are interested in using a practitioner to help treat ADHD then you must also check out the practitioner and receive a referral if possible.  Discuss this option with your physician and incorporate his opinion into your decision.

Meet with the practitioner and discuss his treatment options before deciding to continue forward.  Use every means in your power to evaluate the potential effectiveness and whether or not you believe if it will work.  Do not continue treatment if you are skeptical and believe you may be in the hands of someone who doesn’t know what they are doing.


American Academy of Pediatrics: Applied Kinesiology and ADHD

Natural Holistic Health: Kinesioloy and ADHD

NetPlaces: Applied Kinesiology

Michigan State University: Exerices May Lead to Better School Performance For Kids with ADHD

Kinesiology Health Clinic: Learning Difficulties and ADHD

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