How to Buy a Treadmill

\"HowAre you thinking of buying a treadmill? A treadmill is one of the best pieces of finest equipment to purchase. You are able to freely walk at your own pace, in your own home, in your own time, and in whatever you choose to wear. When you are finished you can just hop in your own shower. A treadmill allows you the freedom of walking whenever you want without the disturbances of inclement weather, chasing dogs, or safety. If you are an early morning walker, walking outdoors is a little frightening especially if you are going alone. It is also not safe.

Walking is good for the heart and a wonderful source of fitness. It will lower your blood pressure, your cholesterol, and your weight. Combined with sensible eating and a limited calorie intake you could easily drop weight and inches from your body in no time. Buying a treadmill should not be done in haste. It should be a well-planned, well thought out, researched purchase.

Before you buy a treadmill there are several factors that should be considered. The first point to consider is how much you are able to spend. If you can spend more you will be able to get a better quality treadmill. However, there are some very nice, very reliable treadmills that you can buy for a reasonable amount of money.

You will also want to consider how much room space you have where you are planning to put your treadmill. They are quite big so you will need a bit of space, but for some treadmills more than others. There are treadmills that do fold up as well.

Another factor to consider is whether to purchase a motorized or a non-motorized treadmill. Although the non-motorized treadmills are less expensive, they are also very difficult to walk on in terms of movement.

The motor of a treadmill takes a beating. Check the continuous duty rating on the treadmill that you are contemplating for its ranking. The horsepower rating should be between 1.5 HP and 2.5 HP.

Lastly, get on your treadmill and try it out before you buy it. The supporting handrails should feel stable. The belt of the treadmill should be comfortably wide, as well as long to handle your walking stride. Warranty of the treadmill should be good for at least a year.

When you have thoroughly researched all of the above you can make your purchase. Finding all of the features that you are looking for in a treadmill while still falling into a comfortable price range can be a bit tricky, but very possible. Once you have purchased your treadmill and have taken it home you have the opportunity to improve your health, reduce your weight and get in shape – all from the comfort of your own family room!