You CAN Have Everything

For most of us, when we are young our parents instill in us a belief system that carries through as we grow older. Some of us grow up to believe that we can do anything and have anything in life as long as we work hard enough. Others of us have learned to believe that the good things only come to others and that we can never achieve the success or goals we desire.

The fact of the matter is that the majority of people who are born today are born with the same abilities to achieve anything they desire. It is not our abilities which determines the success in our lives but rather the choices we make. And, to be honest, we can have everything and anything we desire if we are willing to make the sacrifices required to achieve it.

The discrepancies in life come about when we desire certain goals or want success but are not willing to make the sacrifices required in order to achieve those. And, not all of those sacrifices should be made. For instance, an individual who enjoys working in corporate America and desires to be the president of his company may be required to work long hours, all weekend and forgo family vacations in order to achieve his success. The sacrifices he makes for his success is the loss of his family life and the ability to interact successfully with his children. Only he can make the decision as to whether or not that sacrifice is equitable with his life.

The real question is not whether or not this person can achieve the goal of president of the company, but whether or not these sacrifices are ones he can live with as he grows older. The majority of us are born with the ability to learn new concepts and skills. It is these concepts and skills which allow us to become successful, and it is these concepts and skills which cause us to make difficult decisions in our lives.

However, the sacrifices which must be made may not always be made at the expense of relationships with others. For instance, if an individual desires his own company or business it may mean that they also give up playing golf with their buddies, going to movies with their girlfriends or watching television in the evening as a form of relaxation. But it may not mean that they give up time with their children and spouse in order to make their business successful.

In order to have everything you must be willing to negotiate. In other words, the truly successful people have learned how to delegate certain tasks that can be done by others so that they are time can be freed up to do the creative and thoughtful work as well as to spend time with the people they love. People who learned to have everything learn to negotiate, delegate and enjoy the process.

And, people who have everything also learned to define the term \”everything\”. For some individuals and families this means taking a vacation once a year, having all the bills paid and money in the bank for retirement. For others it means a three-story home, a summer cottage on the beach and maid service during the week. The definition of having \”everything\” is one that only you can define and is specific to your individual circumstances.

You might be surprised to learn that in your neighborhood there are millionaires. It really does not matter the cost of your home or the neighborhood in which you live. There are probably millionaires living in your neighborhood. This is because there are people all around us who do not define their success based on what it looks like to other people. In other words they don\’t have the need to live up to the Joneses and therefore do not have the expenses they may otherwise incur. This allows them to put more money into savings and to fund their retirement in a way that gives them pleasure.

So, it is time for you to define what \”everything\” is. Is having everything having a healthy family? Is it a healthy bank account? Is it a vacation three times a year? Is it private school for the children? Or is it living in a simple home, living a simple life with the knowledge and assurance that your bank account is enough to pay for your retirement?

You CAN have everything. You only have to determine what that everything is and be willing to make the sacrifices to achieve your success.