The process of getting pregnant

\"Pregnant\"Know about the process of how to become pregnant works to the advantage of both couples who want to become pregnant and those who don\’t.  Knowing and understanding the process of how babies are made helps a woman to more fully grasp the risk that she takes when she engages in risky behavior during a pregnancy or directly before.

The basics of how a woman gets pregnant are pretty simple.  Man meets woman, they have sex and nine months later out pops a little one.  But, there\’s a lot more to the process than that including a host of modern variations.

Getting pregnant can often be a very frustrating process for couples while others seem to get pregnant simply on accident.  All men and women are not created equally.  In other words, the reproductive cycle of some women is much more consistent and stable while others aren\’t and some men just have more sperm than others.  The best way to help determine when a woman is at her most fertile is to keep a fertility chart.  Fertility charting is done by observing several physical signs such as basal body temperature and vaginal discharge.

Sometimes a failure to get pregnant can simply be a question of poor timing while other times getting pregnant was simply a question of poor timing.

If you have difficulty conceiving a child after using a fertility chart for six months, you should consider seeking the advice of a reproductive specialist in order to determine if there are other issues or problems which are not immediately obvious with either the man or the woman.

Interestingly just 25% of couples who are actively trying to conceive will become pregnant within the first cycle and 60% will become pregnant in the first six months.  75% of couples will become pregnant within the first nine months and 90% will experience pregnancy within the first 18 months of trying to conceive their child.

Oftentimes couples will focus on the desire to have a child and wish that it would likely happen sooner than later.  However, things don\’t usually happen the way that we wish them to but rather happen when everything in the process of becoming pregnant happens just right.

Understanding a woman\’s reproductive cycle and fertility cycle will help her to recognize the signs and signals the body gives each and every month when it is highly fertile and ready to become pregnant.

In the quest to become pregnant many couples wonder if a particular position is the best for conception.  Although no one knows for sure, many researchers believe that the missionary position is best because it allows for the deepest penetration.  Women who are intent on becoming pregnant should stay on their back with a pillow under their bottom for at least 20 to 30 minutes after ejaculation in order to allow gravity to help the sperm get to the egg.

Only a few dozen sperm will ever make it as far as the egg in the fallopian tubes.  The rest will get trapped or lost or die along the way.  Those that do make it to the egg struggle frantically to be the first to penetrate the eggs outer layer and get inside before the others.  Only the heartiest of the bunch will make it through. The instant the egg is penetrated the outer layer changes so than no other sperm can get inside.

It is at this point that the miracle of life begins.  Many different things happen for the next nine months to nurture and grow the new little child who will abruptly make its appearance.  Home pregnancy tests are most accurate within 7-10 day after ovulation when the egg implants into the uterus and begins to secrete hormones.  At this point human gonadatropin will be released into the urine of the mother and can be measured.

The process of getting pregnant is miraculous and can be fun for the couple.  It\’s important to decrease the stress level of both people in order to enjoy the process and increase the success rate.