The Law of Attraction

Most people today have heard about the Law of Attraction. This is a universal law that was made famous through the movie \”The Secret\”. The original material which this law has been derived from was originally written in the 20th century by Abraham Hicks. Once the movie was released in 2000 \”Law of Attraction: the Basic Teachings of Abraham\” reached the New York Times bestseller list and through even more attention and interest to the topic. Prior to this the authors had been in a New Age field.

Interestingly, the concept of the Law of Attraction was originally used by new thought or New Age writers which said that people\’s thoughts, both conscious and unconscious, would dictate the reality of their lives whether or not they were aware of it. Essentially they believed that if you truly wanted something and truly believed it was possible you would get it by putting a lot of attention and thought into it.

The thought was that there was some existential, truly otherworldly process which was switched on when you consciously or unconsciously believed that it was possible for you to obtain a specific goal. The Law of Attraction was also used in seminars and workshops by other New Age spiritual leaders in a process known as channeling.

Scientists, evaluating the process of the Law of Attraction, believe that the process outlined by New Age thinkers is impossible without violating specific principles of the universe. However, there is a second way of perceiving how this specific universal law achieves the goals which the user desires.

Many believe that the Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful of the universal laws which apply to everyone everywhere. These are laws like the law of gravity. We don\’t question when we get out of bed in the morning that our feet will hit the floor. We know that we won\’t wake up floating near the ceiling. This is the law of gravity.

The Law of Attraction says that you get what you put your energy and focus on whether you want it or you don\’t want it. It is not a law which exists by its self in this universe but actually works in concert with other laws, such as the Law of Cause and Effect. Not too many of us question how the Law of Cause and Effect works. We know that when we put it in action into play there will be a reaction. Scientists recognize this as a specific scientific law. Most of us understand that if we eat too much we will gain weight. The cause is eating too much and the effect is gaining weight.

The problems occur when people see the Law of Attraction as a law which exists on its own. It simply does not. Some people believe that the Law of Attraction is responsible for bad things happening to good people, such as a child being abused or a woman being raped. That is simply not the case.

The Law of Attraction is simply a way of harnessing the power of your mind to enable you to see yourself achieving the goals you want to achieve. It is a way for you to understand that you are capable of performing the actions required in order to achieve the effect, the results, you want to see. You can use the Law of Attraction to visualize yourself achieving weight loss, finding a life partner, finding financial independence or starting your own business.

We have all used the Law of Attraction in a negative way in our lives. When we tie strong emotion with either a positive or a negative thought we are triggering this particular universal law. But it isn\’t New Age, it isn\’t voodoo and it isn\’t triggering some other world being to give you, or do for you, what you should be doing yourself. Instead, it is triggering the power behind your own mind to enable you to either do the actions required to achieve the results you want or ignore the actions you know you need to do resulting in a negative response.

Do not read more into what the Law of Attraction can or cannot do in your life. You really already use this law. It isn\’t a matter of whether or not it exists but rather a matter of whether or not you will harness it in order to get the things that you want to in your life. They will not come by just dreaming about them. You will not get what you want by just thinking of them. But if you believe, and your subconscious mind believes, that you are capable of achieving it then you will be willing to take the actions required in order to make it happen.


Business Insider: 12 Ways the Law of Attraction Can Improve your Life