Self-Perception and Goal Achievement

\"Self-PerceptionOne of the largest obstacles in the way for the majority of individuals to achieve their goals is their self perception and self-worth. How we feel about ourselves and how we see ourselves often dictates the type of action are willing to take.

Self perception is the way in which we perceive ourselves and the abilities that we have. In some cases we perceive ourselves as very competent and able to achieve whatever we set out in life to do. But a higher likelihood is that our self perception is very low. In other words, we perceive ourselves as being inept and unable to achieve most of what we desire in life, and much of what we attempt. (1)

Our self-worth is what we believe we are worthy of achieving or receiving. Much of the time our self perception and self-worth have been determined by the actions and conversations we have had with family and friends throughout the years. They are also determined by our previous actions and the results we accomplished. Unfortunately, while many of us do have things that we have accomplished positively and have been outstanding in our performance, it is also easier to believe the bad stuff about ourselves. (2)

The combination of human nature and exposure to individuals who have shared information that was not positive and uplifting, leads many of us to self perception and self-worth that is in the toilet.

As much as we would like to believe that these particular pieces of our personality are not important because they are only what \”we believe\” and not how others see us or have any impact in the results we achieve, this just isn\’t true. What we believe about ourselves (self perception) and what we believe ourselves to be worthy of, will dictate the type of action we attempt as we pursue our goals.

One of the basic tenants of the movie \”The Secret\” is if the mind cannot believe it then we could not achieve it. This is the basic underlying concept behind The Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a universal law which affects each and every one of us, whether we believe in it or not. It is much the same as gravity. Whether we believe in gravity or not when we get up in the morning our feet hit the floor and that is gravity at work.

Whether we believe in The Law of Attraction or not, what we achieve will only be preceded by what we believe we can achieve, how much action we will take to achieve it and how much emotional energy we put behind our desires. Some individuals believe that the Law of Attraction works because the universe brings to us that which we desire the most, while others believe that when we desire something with strength of conviction and great emotion we are also willing to take the action required in order to achieve it.

How we take action, how much action we take and whether or not that action is successful is usually dictated by our own self perception and feelings of self-worth. So, ultimately, in order to become successful and achieved the goals we desire, we must also address our underlying feelings of fear, doubt and poor self-esteem. Only by addressing our goals from a completely global perspective will we be able to achieve them.

This global perspective means that we are able to set goals that are specific, manageable, achievable, realistic and timely. We can manage our time, stay focused and set our course of action by first addressing our fears and doubts and acknowledging that how we perceive ourselves will also dictate our end results.

Think about the goals that you probably set each and every January as the new year rolls around. Well over 90% of the individuals who write goals in January either never look at them again or only glance at them through the early part of the year before putting them away until the following January. In some cases this lack of focus is a result of becoming distracted by other tasks in life, by other commitments and other relationships or just by pure laziness. But in many cases the underlying reason for those distractions is the belief that we are somehow not worthy of achieving our goals and we do not perceive ourselves to be good enough, smart enough or focused enough to become successful.

So, the next time you don\’t achieve your goals don\’t beat yourself up over it. Instead, take a good long look at yourself and what you believe that you can achieve. For the most part, the goals we set for ourselves or not rocket science. The majority of us do not desire to become Olympic athletes if we have no athletic talent. We do not desire to be, rocket scientist if we cannot finish algebra one. The goals and desires we have for ourselves are normally well within our talents and abilities. It is only our own beliefs that are holding us back.

(1) Psychology Today: Negative Self-Perception and Shame

(2) The University of Hawaii: Leadership Through Personal Awareness