Natural Remedies for Gallbladder Disorders

\"NaturalIf you have ever been the victim of a gallbladder disorder you know that it is not only painful, but also excruciatingly painful. The gallbladder is quite small in size, approximately measuring 3 inches long and 1 inch wide. It is an organ in the human body that stores our bile. It is attached to the liver by means of the hepatic duct.

Not only does the liver store bile, but concentrates it as well. The liver secretes the bile, which is a digestive liquid that neutralizes the acid in your intestines and emulsifies the fat in food that is partially digested. A bile duct valve opens to let the bile excrete from the gallbladder into the cystic duct, the duodenum, which is a portion of the small intestine, and the bile duct.

When speaking of gallbladder disorders you will most frequently hear the word, gallstone, as this is the disorder that causes the most difficulty. A disturbance in the general makeup of the bile is responsible for this. Some gallstones contain bile pigments, some contain calcium, but most are cholesterol ridden. More women suffer from gallstones than do men. The most targeted women are those over the age of 40, with fair skin, and obese. This is thought to be caused by excess cholesterol in the bile. Another suspected cause is estrogen discrepancies.

Natural remedies for gallbladder disorders are being sought out as opposed to medical treatment. If you are seeking some natural remedies for gallbladder disorders there are a few notable remedies. As always, you should seek the advice of a physician before attempting to self-treat your gallbladder condition.

Natural remedies for gallbladder disorders come quite often in the form of juice. Mix together or taken individually these juices will help to clean the gallbladder. This juice needs to be fresh and taken twice a day, approximately 100 milliters in quantity. Some juices that you can try are carrot, beet, cucumber, or pear. The pear should only be consumed on a daily basis. The pear is also good in the conditioning of the human body. Pear juice is thought to have healing capabilities and is noted to be the best natural remedy.

In addition, taken twice daily watercress and dandelion are thought to normalize a difficult gallbladder. If you decide to go this route you will need to adhere to a diet that contains mostly vegetables.

A study done most recently has encouraged coffee drinking, which is very pleasing to the java community. No longer do you have to fear drinking two or three cups of coffee on a daily basis. You can do so and cut your gallbladder risk by up to 40%. Even more coffee than that ups the chances of not contracting gallbladder disorders so do not be afraid to drink up. (1,2)

Next time you are having that little shooting pain in the region of your gallbladder try one of these methods with your doctor’s approval for natural relief. Or even better, use natually and freshly squeezed juices to prevent the development of gallbladder pain and discomfort.

(1) University of Maryland Medical Center: Gallbladder Disease

(2) American journal of Epidemiology: Association of Coffee Consumption with Gallbladder Disease