Image or Style

\"ImageFinding a personal style will help you through work, relationships, and improve your self-esteem. But, there is a difference between pulling together an image and defining a personal style. So what\’s the difference?

Sometimes, nothing! In many situations the terms become interchangeable, except that they really aren\’t. Image is a way of creating a physical likeness or representation. Many times it means creating a photograph or sculpture that is an optical counterpart to an actual image. Another definition is a mental representation or an idea or concept. It can be symbolic or embody an idea or emotion.

And entire profession, image consultants, has grown up around the idea that we can change how people perceive us by the way that we look and dress. Image consultants work not only with individuals but also with corporations to change the perception of the public to something more favorable. And many times these image consultants worked strictly with what is happening to a person on the outside.

In some instances image consultants also work to identify a personal style. This is more individual and has to do with the innate personality of the person and not necessarily what they want others to see. For instance, when dealing with corporations the personality of the corporation may be something totally different than the image that they want to portray it to the public. Their management staff and corporate structure may lend itself to behaviors which are not seen positively by their stockholders.

Unfortunately, many of us attach our own sense of style and image to what we are fed by television and magazines. Instead, both image and personal style are something that is an expression of our individuality and should not be attached to the most recent fashion trends.

While most men and women do not want to be outdated, they also do not have the budget to replace their wardrobe every three months. There is a difference between following the trends and incorporating something new into the wardrobe every season.

We are all judged by the way we look and even smell. As image consultants help individuals to define an image or develop a personal style, it is important to incorporate scent or perfume to this image. A person\’s personal style or image can engender trust at first sight, so is important that it is well thought out and incorporates all senses-sight, smell, sound and touch.

Image consultants help individuals to develop a style that is congruent with their professions, their budget, their comfort level and the climate in which they live. Your image is not just about you, it is also about how people relate to you; but it doesn\’t necessarily take into account your inner personality.

While your personal style encompasses your hair, color choices and clothing your personal image will also include your language and words. Discovering your personal style makes no changes to your particular way of speech or the way in which to communicate with others. However, to finding a personal image may mean making changes to the way in which you communicate so that others see you in a more favorable light.

Some believe that they are who they are and no one should tell them to change, while others believe that they are changeable and can become who they want to become. In other words, their personality, personal style and personal image are all choices they can make on their own.

How you choose to make changes to your wardrobe, hair and personal color choices can be determined by your current personal style or an image you wish to purposefully design and mold. The choice is yours – but whether you do something or not, you already have a personal style. Do you like it?