Myofascial Release

\"MyofascialMassage therapy is a form of hands on treatments which has its roots over 3000 years ago. Myofascial release is one of the over 30 different types of massage therapy and a very effective hands-on technique which sustained pressure into the myofascial restrictions of the muscle in order to eliminate pain and restore motion.

The theory behind myofascial release requires an understanding of the connective tissue beneath the skin. This connective tissue is called fascia and is a specialized system that appears like a spider\’s web. Fascia is densely woven and covers every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein. One of the most interesting factors is that it is not a system of separate covering but actually one structure from head to foot without interruption.

This fascia also plays an important role in the support of the body because it surrounds and attaches to all structures. In a normal healthy state the fascia is relaxed and has the ability to stretch and move without restriction. However, when we experience physical trauma or inflammation or injury it loses its pliability and becomes tight and a source of tension to the rest of the body. Traumas such as a whiplash or surgery or even habitual poor posture over time has a cumulative effect. The changes they cause will influence the degree of comfort and individual will experience and the ability of the body to function appropriately.

The practice of myofascial release requires an intense one-on-one treatment time and is more labor-intensive than traditional physical therapy treatments. It can be very effective in the treatment of back strain or chronic back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, cervical pain, complex pain complaints, fibromyalgia, fibrous cystitis, headache and plantar fasciitis.

Because of this treatment, sports medicine myofascial release has become more and more prominent with athletes and fitness buffs. Myofascial release has become a common treatments in complementary and alternative medicine practices. The use of massage to reduce chronic pain and rehabilitate a range of different injuries has a lead to the prescription of myofascial release for individuals who suffer from a number of sports injuries.

The therapist who works with myofascial release will address not only the fascia but also trigger points which have been identified as areas of muscle that are painful to palpation and present with tension and tautness. This muscle can be accompanied by inflammation with inelastic scar tissue. Some sports physicians speculates that trigger points can lead to a variety of different sports injuries such as tendon tears or muscle pulls.

According to individuals who practice myofascial release trigger points can also restrict or alter the motion in a joint which can change the normal feedback to the central nervous system. This results in a less efficient motor skill performance which is an athlete\’s worst nightmare. Therapists believes that an acute physical trauma, poor posture or movement mechanics, overtraining or an adequate rest between training sessions can cause a trigger point to form.

Although myofascial release exercises should be taught by a physical therapists they are learned and can be done at home in order to improve the results in a rehabilitation program. Many individuals who will experience myofascial release therapy will also express an almost immediate results. Through the use of this technique individuals can release restrictive myofascial tissue and more heal completely than ever thought possible before.

Myofascial release is not specifically off form of massage therapy but rather a treatment performed by physical therapists. It is used to equalize muscle tension throughout the body which may compress nerves and cause some muscles to experience pain. The progress of the therapy is measured by a decrease in pain reported by the patient and an improvement in overall posture.