Male Impotence vitamins

For a man, being impotent can have a devastating effect on his self-esteem, not to mention the sexual frustration that he experiences. Erectile dysfunction is a common problem for many men, especially in the middle years of life. It occurs when a man cannot maintain an erection while in the midst of sexual intercourse. For some men, this only happens once in a while.

This can account for being tired, overworked, and just plain stressed. Once he gets some sleep, cuts back on work a bit and takes a break, or relieves some of stress the problem goes away. This type of occurrence is nothing to be concerned about. For the majority though, the problem does not go away and that is when it becomes a problem. If erectile dysfunction is frequent enough that he cannot maintain an erection over 50 per cent of the time he needs to seek help.

Erectile dysfunction is not uncommon in the 40 to 70 year old age bracket and affects approximately half the men, with varying degrees of impotency occurrences.

Other contributing factors are communication problems, fear, medications, nerve damage, obesity, disease, and low testosterone levels can all play a part in erectile dysfunction.

There is help available, either by way of prescription medication or if preferred the more natural route of vitamins and natural supplements. First and foremost, men with impotency problems will benefit from a simple multivitamin/multimineral combination.

To obtain and maintain an erection, the penis must receive adequate blood flow and good circulation. A multivitamin/multimineral combination will aid in a more enhanced circulatory flow. Other vitamins that have helped men with impotency are:

Ginkgo: This herb has helped men due to his vasodilating effect. An approximate 60 per cent of men have been helped with the use of ginkgo.

Antler velvet: This is just what it sounds like. The velvet from a male deer antler being used medically has been around for a couple of thousand years now. Although the research on this is not extensive in treating impotency, what has been found is that it may very well improve the development of the sexual organs and uplift performance. This study is nonconclusive, however, and has been done in animals only.

Vitamin E: This vitamin has been known to improve the penile blood vessels and the heart.

Arginine: Arginine is an amino acid. It helps by expanding the blood vessels through nitric oxide production. This causes the blood flow to the penis to be trapped allowing for a longer erection time.

Horny goat weed: Supposedly, this Chinese herb is known to have aphrodisiac effects. The use of horny goat weed has allowed 60 per cent of men a greater sexual experience.

Testosterone/DHEA: Testosterone requires a prescription. However, DHEA, which is a hormone replacement, can be purchased at a nutritional supplement store. These have both been known to increase the sexual drive in a man.

If you are debating whether to use a prescription medication or go the natural route with supplements you should discuss the pros and cons with your physician. By discussing this you and your physician can decide the best road to take with your particular situation and underlying medical conditions. Careful monitoring when using either of these forms of impotency help should be done to avoid any complications.


TrueStar Health: Homeopathic Remedies for Impotence

Andrew Weil: Erectile Dysfunction Natural Treatments

The Natural Beat: Male Impotence Vitamins