Deep Tissue Massage

\"DeepMassage has been giving individuals medical and health benefits for years. At this time there have been over 30 different types of massage that have been identified, having been used for the last 3000 years. Deep tissue massage is one of those therapies that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. Researchers have found that deep tissue massage is especially helpful for those who suffer from chronically tense and contracted areas of the body such as neck, low back and sore shoulders.

Deep tissue massage uses some of the same motions and techniques as Swedish massage but the pressure will generally be more intense. Deep tissue massage is a more focused type of therapy as the therapist works to release chronic muscle tension or knots, also known as adhesions.

Deep tissue massage should be done by a therapist who has been a specially trained in the technique. Although it does not hurt it is likely to be more uncomfortable than a classic Swedish massage. Using these deeper techniques for massage can help to break up and eliminate scar tissue and is usually focused on more specific areas of the body than an over all body massage. Although there may be some soreness during or after the massage the participant should feel better than ever within a day or two.

Like other types of massage therapy individuals who experience deep tissue massage on a consistent basis will find the most benefits. Individuals who consistently used deep tissue massage also find that their bodies stay in better alignment in better shape which decreases their risk of injury.

One of the other deliniating differences between deep tissue massage and a regular massage technique is the use of tools. During a standard massage needs therapists usually only involve their own hands and lower arms. However, during deep tissue massage therapist will use elbows, fingers, penetrating tools such as ceramics, glass or wooden props in order to reach the deep muscles. There is who are unfamiliar with the technique may go to quickly and cause the muscles to tense up which is not the desired reaction. Some therapists also maintained very firm pressure in trouble spots for several minutes to help the muscle achieve release before moving onto the next area of the body.

Before a client gets the deep tissue massage they should talk with their therapist about any outstanding issues that currently have and anything they would like to see specifically addressed during the massage. Most therapists are very happy to concentrate on a single part of the body to achieve more lasting results that the client will truly appreciate. At the end of any session the client should drink lots of water to help the body express and excrete the toxins which were released during the massage.

It is important for the client to be realistic about what one particular massage will be able to achieve. Some people even ask for more pressure thinking that if the therapist pushes hard enough they can get rid of all of the knots in just one hour. Unfortunately, this doesn\’t happen and can actually hurt the individual more than it helps. Undoing chronic knots and tension which have been built up over a lifetime is achieved more successfully with an integrated program that includes exercise, relaxation techniques, improved posture and a regular treatment with massage.

Unlike classic massage therapy that can be used for relaxation, deep tissue massage is usually focused on specific problems such as chronic pain, limited mobility, recovery from injuries, repetitive strain injury, postural problems, off to arthritis, fibromyalgia and muscle spasms.

According to a report in Consumer Reports in 2005, 34,000 people ranked deep tissue massage more effective in relieving the pain of osteoarthritis than physical therapy, exercise, prescription drugs, accupuncture, glucosamine or over the counter medications. In fact, deep tissue massage also received top rankings for individuals who suffered from fibromyalgia. (1)

Deep tissue massage is not recommended if individuals are suffering from an infectious disease, rash or open wounds, immediately after surgery, immediately after chemotherapy, individuals who are prone to blood clots, pregnant women and massage should never be done directly over bruises, inflamed skin, unhealed wounds, tumors, abdominal hernias or areas of recent fractures. Before going to see the massage therapist do not eat a heavy meal and, if it\’s your first time, arrive at least 10 minutes early to fill out all the necessary forms.

Deep tissue massage is a complementary and alternative therapy approach that can help to decrease your pain, improve circulation, and improve your overall health. Used in the right way and on a consistent basis individuals are often able to see significant positive results in their overall medical health.

(1) Integrative Manual Therapies: Deep Tissue Massage