Release Erectile Dysfunction

The 9 Conventional Causes’ Of Erectile Dysfunction

‘Cause’ #1 – Aging… many professionals dispute ‘chronic’ erectile dysfunction yet, at the same time, they can’t deny that a larger number of older men suffer ED than younger men.

Now does this mean it’s inevitable? Yes and no. The main reason more older guys suffer erectile dysfunction than younger guys is because the common negative habits that both adopt have had longer to intensify into a noticeable effect.

If you don’t address the habit, you will suffer erectile dysfunction.

‘Cause’ #2 – Insufficient Blood Supply… the main factor here is bad breathing habits, which can be dealt with using a largely unknown yet simple & effective method.

However, the poor circulation of blood is also due to blood-sugar levels, high blood pressure and high cholesterol level, which can be improved with diet and ridding the body of ‘stale’ oxygen (see below).

‘Cause’ #3 – Medical Conditions… diabetes and hypertension are the main two.

Anywhere between 35-50% of guys with diabetes suffer erectile dysfunction due to high blood-sugar levels and what can result is something called arteriosclerosis, which is the thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries.

Around 15% of men with high-blood pressure from hypertension suffer erectile dysfunction and some of the drugs used to treat it can make their ED worse.

‘Cause’ #4 – Drugs… these include pharmaceutical and recreational – also combining the two can make it worse like, for example, Viagra and Ecstasy.

Marijuana, while it’s natural and relaxes the body, will make your penis limp long-term. Just like heroine, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, barbiturates and many others can feel good in the moment and seem like they increase libido, eventually they will take their toll.

‘Cause’ #5 – Smoking and Alcohol… cigarettes harm and hamper circulation and blood supply and contributes to hardening of the arteries, including those in the penis. Aside from the obvious lung cancer, they also increase disorders of the blood vessels, listed above.

Like other recreational drugs, alcohol can temporary relax you which may seem to help your erections but, long-term, it depresses your central nervous system and impairs your sexual function… “drinkers’ droop” has real long-term effect.

‘Cause’ #6 – Hormonal Imbalances… while testosterone doesn’t directly dictate libido levels (think of young boys who get erections yet have close to zero testosterone) it does affect dopamine levels which trigger the erection chain-of-command (see below).

After age 40-50, testosterone levels begin to decline until 70 years old where it’s about 30% of what it was. However, only about 5% of men who seek medical treatment for erectile dysfunction are testosterone deficient.

‘Cause’ #7 – Prostate Cancer and Treatments… up to 90% of men who undergo total removal of the prostate and about 75% of those who have had radiation treatment for prostate cancer experience erectile dysfunction afterward.

The problem is that advanced stages of prostate cancer often damage nerves needed for erectile function. Luckily, you can access a free solution to surgery and drug treatments below.

‘Cause’ #8 – Physical Injuries… damage to the spinal cord and/or pelvic area trauma, such as a pelvic fracture, can cause sufficient nerve damage that can result in impotence.

It’s not just an old wives tale that men with bad backs make bad lovers.

The mistake when you have any injury is to stop activity completely which just immobilizes the area and keeps it inactive, which eliminates any chance of recovery. Get out and do something – even if it’s just walking 2 miles a day.

‘Cause’ #9 – Psychological… stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, low self-esteem, fear of sexual failure represents 10-20% cases of impotence.

Are you in a high-stress job? Unemployed? Facing a crucial deadline? Putting in too many hours at work? Going through a major change in your life? All of these things can have a profound affect on sexual desire and performance.

With performance anxiety, your brain releases chemicals that constrict the smooth muscle of the penis and its arteries. This decreases blood-flow into the penis and, also, increases blood-flow out of the penis… this equals no erection.

Often if there is an existing physical problem, mental tension in whatever form will make it worse. And this brings up the crux of the conflicting information on erectile dysfunction…