Color analysis

\"ColorColor is important. Wearing the wrong color can make you look drained and tired, or even sick. Some colors can give the false impression of a double chin because of the shadowing while at other times wearing the wrong color can make your teeth look slightly yellow when they aren\’t.

Choosing the correct color for your skin tones will make a world of difference in the way that you look and the way that you feel about yourself. The right color will make you appear radiant and glowing and will flatter your body size and shape. In fact, you will look slimmer and younger just by choosing the right color!

Have you ever met a good friend who said \”oh! What a great shirt that is.\” That is because they are noticing your shirt or shirt color instead of how well you look in the clothing. Your real aim is to receive a comment such as, \”You look great in that outfit!\”

The basic premise of using color and color analysis in both fashion and decorating is something that extends beyond any ethnic, racial or economic boundaries. The industry of color consulting has grown into a business that now grosses more than $70 million a year. These consultants are expert at helping their clients determine the color that works best on their skin and makes them feel best in their homes.

When determining the exact types of colors that should be used for a client, consultants will evaluate hair color, eye color and skin tones. Every man and woman is born with either a blue undertone or a yellow undertone to their skin. Determining whether that undertone is blue (cool) or yellow (warm) will help determine which palette of colors the best compliments your skin, hair and eyes.

While there are no firm and fast rules, most men and women have a blue undertone if their skin is sallow, olive or fair, their hair is blonde, low light brown, dark brown or black and their eyes are light or dark blue, Hazel, green or brown. Individuals who are warm tones have skin that is milky with freckles or fair to black, hair that is white, golden or honey blonde, light to dark brown or a strawberry to deeper red and eyes which are turquoise to blue-green, Hazel or green or brown.

It may be very difficult for an individual to accurately evaluate which undertone is their particular skin type. You may try going shopping with a friend and trying on clothing that is the same cut but in different colors to help determine which one looks better on you.

The next step is to determine which particular season that your coloring falls into. In other words, you can be a summer, winter, spring or fall. Image consultants will first evaluate hair color and determine if it is a warm or a cool tone as well as the depth of color in the hair. For instance, if you have dark hair with gold or red highlights your color is warm but if your hair is black or brown without red highlights your color is cool.

Dark-haired people who have no red highlights are a winter; dark hair with red highlights are autumn; light-colored hair without golden or red highlights is a summer and those who have white hair with gold or red highlights are a spring. Knowing these colors can help choose the best clothing and the best makeup to personalize your look.

For instance, determining your exact color choices will make your eyes pop and make any contouring or shading on your face more appropriately done to hide any flaws that you perceive.

Winter colors are generally cool with the dark to light intensity and can be compared to a bright winter day with the sun reflecting off the snow. Some colors are also cool but more muted and paler, leaning towards creamy pastels. Autumn colors are warm and remind you of falls rich leaves as they turn orange, red and golden yellow. Spring colors are also warm but with a medium to light intensity reminding you of spring flowers and a new season yet to come.

By incorporating your knowledge of color, body type, body style, comfort level and budget you now have the tools to choose a wardrobe that simply exudes your own personal style and under which people will recognize how great you look and not how great your clothes look.